In my adult years it has bugged me how little I was actually taught about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in grammar and high schools. I wonder what the culprit is:
A much better option back then would have been to just break the cassette player out and play for the class Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Give a little context and let history speak for itself.
So with that context, here is that speech:
- A. the "whitewashing" of Dr. King, meaning mentioning only the facts of his life that those in power approve of, or
- B. the basic problems with the way we teach history in the United States. History is by far my favorite subject and the fact that many people say they can't stand the classes is a reflection on the dry, "memorize these dates" way we teach it.
A much better option back then would have been to just break the cassette player out and play for the class Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Give a little context and let history speak for itself.
So with that context, here is that speech: